Media Optimization Thumbnail

Consumer Behavior.

RXA @ OneMagnify has worked with media companies on a variety of projects to understand and respond to consumer behavior.​

Industry Solutions



Create dashboards that act as the single source of truth for performance and KPI reporting to better understand business performance​.

Customer Lifecycle

Efficiently Reach
The Consumer​

Improve marketing spend effectiveness, identify new media channels, and quickly diagnose consumer sentiment​.

Customer Touchpoint

Analyze Each
Consumer Touchpoint​

Understand media spend and leverage all internal, external, online, and offline data to understand each touchpoint’s attribution to the bottom line​.

Media Case Studies


AI / BI Consulting

How an entertainment company increased customer acquisition​

  • Quickly/automatically
    identify targets​
  • Save time, manpower​
  • Increased customer acquisition by over double digits while not increasing marketing spend​

An entertainment provider was experiencing low customer acquisition with those that used the free trial option on their platform. By leveraging RXA’s BI Consulting services, RXA developed a sentiment and cohort analysis to analyze customer churn and identify trial members to target for upsell to a membership.​

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